Everything about 5G Technology Explained. What is 5G & How it Works? - Rapid Info

5G is the next generation in cellular technology. It takes nearly 6 to 10 minutes to download a movie with 4G. But, it takes just 3 to 4 seconds with 5G to download a complete movie. So, you can now understand how fast 5G would be. What is 5G? How 5G will work? What is our future with 5G? Will, there be any health problems with 5G? etc we will find answers to all these questions and after reading this entire post you will come to know many new and interesting things about 5G. So, let's begin:

What is 5G?

5G which means 5th Generation, it is the next generation in cellular technology. Let's see a small history of cellular technology:
  • 1G: 1G or 1st generation was started in 1979 in Japan. It provides only basic voice services ( only phone calls )
  • 2G: 2G or 2nd Generation was started in 1991 in Finland. It provides phone calls including messages option. 
  • 3G: 3G or 3rd Generation was started in 2001. It provides phone call services, messages and the internet. Most of us started using mobiles with the starting of 3G.
  • 4G: 4G or 4th Generation was started in 2009. There is no a big new feature in 4G but, the speed of internet increased a lot. We are now able to play high-end video games and online meeting without buffer because of this 4G.
Now comes the 5G which is the master of all the above. In 5G download speed will be 1 to 10 GBPS. Which is many times faster than 4G. Now, let's see how 5G works?

How 5G works?

Normally, the waves used in 4G are very big. So they can even travel very long distances. Trees, building, walls, etc cant block these waves. So, a single tower is enough for the waves to travel anywhere in the city. But, the waves in 5G are very small. So they can travel only short distances and objects like trees and building can block these waves. So, a single tower is not enough for a city, we need to arrange small towers for each street. So we will experience high-speed internet by connecting to our nearest tower.

Latency with 5G is very low. Latency means the time of files transfer from one device to other. In 4G latency is 100ms but, in 5G latency is 1ms. Which means 1/1000th of a second. Now you can understand how fast 5G would be. We have a problem in 4G that is if many devices connected at a single place the speed of the signal will be low. But, in 5G there will be no problems like that.

Uses of 5G:

You may think that 5G is only to increase mobile internet speed but in future, every home appliances can be controlled from anywhere with 5G. In future, all self-driving cars will be connected to the internet. These cars will communicate with the other cars in the way it is travelling. So, the internet must be very fast otherwise many accidents may take place with the slow internet. As transferring of data is very fast in 5G, it will be very helpful in future. Many miracles will also take place in the medical field as most of the surgeries in future will be conducted by robots even the surgeons are at another place. So both money and time will be saved. So many technologies in future are dependent on 5G.

Is 5G harmful:

Many people are stating that there will be many health problems if 5G comes completely. To know whether this is true or not first we need to know about a simple topic in physics named electromagnetic spectrum.

Electromagnetic spectrum:

The below image shows the electromagnetic spectrum. Let's see about it simply. First radio waves, all radio ad tv signals will trace in radio waves. Next microwaves, all signals of micro ovens and movies will be in the form of microwaves. Next infrared and next visible light is the light that we see. Next comes UV rays, X-rays and gamma rays. The wavelength of radio waves will be very long ( more than 1 km ). From left to right of this spectrum wavelength will keep on decreasing. The energy of waves of higher wavelength will be less and the waves with less wavelength will have greater energy.

It is very dangerous if our body exposed to UV rays, X-rays and gamma rays for more time. This may lead to cancer or the damaging of DNA. So the waves right of visible light is called Ionizing radiation. Where the left side of visible light has less frequency resulting in less energy. So, these are called Non- Ionizing Radiation. 

At present we are using frequency range between radio and microwaves in 4G. In 5G we are going to use mm waves with more frequency and energy for fast internet. So its frequency will be 1mm to 10mm. Few people are explaining that these waves are going near to ionizing radiation and they are using high frequency used in micro ovens so, they are worrying that these are very harmful to our health.

There is also an organisation to tell us up to what frequency we can use to get not suffer from health problems. That organisation is ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection). This organisation won't have any connection with any company, government or country. After many years of research, this organisation told that waves in 5G belong to non-ionizing radiation. So it will not damage DNA and will not destroy our cells. But, if they use frequency more than a particular value waves will enter our body and heat will be generated as our tissues vibrate when they enter our body. But many people are doing protests as 5G waves will damage our skin and all birds will die. But according to many types of research if we cross a particular frequency there will be harm and many scientists are telling that UV rays from the sun are even more dangerous than 5G waves. So we need to regulate companies to not use frequency range more than a limit.

Many companies like Verizon, AT&T and Sprint, etc are launched 5G in many countries. 5G has already started in more than 35 countries. Companies like Jio and airtel are trying to launch 5G in India as soon as possible. It will still take more than a year to launch 5G in India.

At present we are using 4G but, many companies like Samsung, Nokia, Ericson, etc are started research on 6G. In some of the poor countries, they are still using 2G and 3G. At present people are satisfied with 4G and it costs very high of arranging a node in each street and there is also much negativity with 5G in people makes even a lot more time to make available 5G. According to Bussines Insider by 2022 5G will reach 15% of the world.

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