6G Technology Explained. Mobile Revolution .Full Details about 6G. How fast it Would be? || Rapid Info ||

Details about 2G, 3G, 4G:

Most of us knew the internet from 2G and it is impossible to play a youtube video without buffering in 2G and the speed of the internet is also very slow in 2G. Then came the 3G which is far faster than 2G many people started enjoying 3G and downloading app with that speed and most people used the internet after 3G and then came the sensation of 4G and this made using the internet very easy in India. Users of the internet also increased 5 times and now the mobile communication service also gave many offers like 1 GB data free per day and many people Watched youtube videos without any buffering and downing movie in minutes and talking in video calls with awesome clarity and many more. Users are enjoying 4G a lot. 

  • In 2G we can send a pic of 1 MB in 1 minute.
  • In 3G we can send a pic of 1 MB in 3 seconds.
  • In 4G we can send 20 pics of 1MB each in 3 seconds.

The reason behind the development of OTT platforms like Netflix and Prime Video is 4G. The 4K videos on youtube are now present because of 4G. Then you May get a doubt then what is the difference between 4G and 5G.


The main difference between 4G and 5G was latency, which means for example if you are writing something on paper, their latency is zero(0). Because you are writing and you are able to see what you are writing at the same time so latency was zero. But if you are on a hill if you talk you can hear your words again but there is a difference of few milliseconds so here in this case latency was not zero. Even 4G was very fast you cannot play 8K videos on youtube without buffering. But we will not face this problem in 5G. But 5G is not a revolutionary technology. But it can definitely increase the speed of your internet. But here comes the revolutionary technology 6G which is the successor of 5G.


In 6G the latency is almost zero, you will feel the real-time experience in 6G. If this comes into availability electric cars can find the defects in the road before them and can drive according to them, Robots can even do operations with the help of 6G. If 6G comes into availability in the future people would talk about the history like before 6G and after 6G. It can make a huge change in internet history. 

Restrictions of 6G:

Nowadays there are many mobile towers across the city but in past, there is only one cellphone tower in a city. For mobile to work radio waves should connect to towers and mobiles. If we see the wavelength of the 2G it is very big so it can travel to long distances easily but the frequency is very low because as frequency increase wavelength decreases.
                       Frequency is inversely proportional to Wavelength
2G can travel long distances but it can share a little information but the wavelength of 4G is small compared to 2G so it can transfer more information in less distance. So mobile towers of present for almost every 2 to 3 areas but if 5G comes mobile towers should present for each colony because 5G comes with microwaves.

Normally, a wavelength of 4G wave is 5.5 inch to 15.8 inches but the wavelength of 5G wave is 1mm to 10mm. So 5G waves cant easily pass through walls so we need more tower. Then just imagine how many towers we need to use 6G. We need one tower for a house and a tower for a room which is practically not possible.

To seek out this problem many companies are trying to find a new technology and many companies are trying to bring 6G into availability in 2030 - 2035. So the mobiles which will release at that time will have a transmitter and receiver in the mobile itself. 

How 6G works?'

There will be the main tower and if a person was at a distance of 1KM with the tower he will receive 6G by connecting to the 6G phones which are present in between 6G tower and him and will send signals with the middle phones as the mobiles contain transmitter. So, each mobile will act as a tower. Then you may get a doubt if each phone acts as a tower then what about radiation?

Radiation in 6G:

Already we heard many rumours like if 6G technology comes we will lose all the birds but, it is completely false. Because there is no relation between birds death and 5G. 
There are two types of Radiations:
1. Ionizing radiation.
2. Non-ionizing radiation.

Among these two, non-ionizing radiations will never cause harm. we will use non-ionizing radiations with low frequency for mobiles. So there is no harm caused by 5G and 6G. Then you may ask why birds are dying day by day? this is because we are closing all rivers and constructing buildings. birds will present in the areas which have better water sources so in villages we are able to see birds than compares to cities so, there is no almost no radiation in 6G. So it is safe for all. If it comes into availability it is the safest and fastest network.

I shared the complete information that I knew about 6G. So please ask your questions in the comment section I will try to answer them. please share this with your friends and family members and try to follow my Website for more interesting and awesome topics.

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