4 Companies That Were Destroyed By Their Competitors - Rapid Info

Now we are going to discuss 4 Companies that were Destroyed by their Competitors.

1) Adidas vs Puma:

Adidas and Puma companies are big competitors in shoe manufacturing. The interesting thing was these both companies belongs to 2 brothers from the same family. In Germany, there are two brothers named Adolf Dassler & Rudolf Dassler. In the beginning, they have a shoe company together. In the 1936 Olympics, the athlete who won 1st prize wore the shoes made by the Dassler brother shoe company. So after these Olympics, this company earned a lot of popularity and gained a lot of profits. And a few disputes raised between two brothers and that lead to the division of the company into 2. Adolf Dassler named his company Adidas. Rudolf Dassler named his company Puma. Because of their enmity, they kept their units manufacturing place at the same place and there will be a river as a divider for both the companies. They also lost a lot of money by keeping cases on one other. Even after the death of the two brothers, they were buried on the opposite side of the cemetery. After many years finally in 2009, the people from two companies played a friendly football match and became friends. Nike is the biggest company in sport's shoes. Nike is an American company whereas Puma and Adidas are German companies.

Given below the annual revenue of 3 companies:
  • Nike     - $39 Billion
  • Adidas  - $ 22 Billion
  • Puma   -  $ 4 Billion

2) Nokia vs Samsung vs Apple:

Nokia is once the biggest smartphone company in the world. But how it was beaten by many companies. In 1865 a person from Finland named Fedrick kept a mill of manufacturing pulp and paper beside the Nokianvirta river. From the name of the river, he kept the name of the mill as Nokia. He expanded his business and also started a business on rubber, cables and televisions. So, it is not a mobile manufacturing company from the beginning. In 1987 Nokia released its first mobile. This mobile sold very well and they gained a lot of profits than expected. In the 1990s due to the worlds financial crisis, demand for cables, rubber and televisions of Nokia has decreased and they faced loss. In 1992, a new CEO was announced for Nokia and he took the decision that he wanted to close all businesses of Nokia and want to continue the only mobile business. It was a really good decision. Now Nokia again started gaming profits by launching many new mobiles. From the year 2000 Nokia used Symbian OS in its mobiles. By 2007 Nokia is the worlds biggest mobile company. In the year 2007, Apple company launched IOS. People loved IOS very much and in 2008 Google released Android OS. Samsung phones were released with Android OS. At that time Apple and Samsung companies keep focussing on software whereas Nokia kept the focus on hardware. By 2011 Nokia is facing a loss but still, it is not released mobiles with android OS. So, Apple and Samsung are having a lot of profits. Even for app developers, developing apps for Android OS and IOS was very simple whereas developing apps for Symbian OS is very hard and took even months for developing apps. Nokia announced new CEO named Elop. He wanted Noki again to gain profits. So, he removed Symbian OS from Nokia mobiles and he started launching Nokia mobiles with Microsoft OS. Focussing on hardware is the first mistake made by Nokia and the second biggest mistake made by Nokia was selecting Microsoft OS. People did not love Microsoft stores in Nokia mobiles as many apps are not available and kept many restrictions on apps. Because of this Nokia, many people showed interest in buying android mobiles. Finally, in 2014, Microsoft purchased Nokia. At present, a company named HMD global purchased Nokia and releasing Nokia mobiles with android OS.

3) Coco-Cola vs Pepsi:

Coca-Cola and Pepsi are two companies that make soft drinks. Both companies belong to the USA. You need to know a small history about soft drinks before knowing the competition between these companies.

In the beginning, coke was a medicine. Its formula was invented by John S. Pemberton in 1886. As it tastes very good he changed its formula a bit and kept its name as coke. He started selling coke in Coco-Cola retail shops. Everyone loved the taste of coke and many people started drinking it for energy, refreshment, taste and digestion. 

After the invention of coke, a company named Pepsi started selling soft drinks with its own formula. In the beginning, there is no competition between them. But in the 1970s there is tough competition between them. Both companies started telling them that their soft drink was best. There is a most popular ad for Pepsi as "Blind taste test". In this ad, some people will go to beaches, shopping malls and parks and will select few people present at that places and they will close their eyes and will keep few soft drinks before them and ask to taste all and tell them which drink was good. And all the people will tell Pepsi was great in that advertisement. 

After this advertisement of Pepsi sale of colo-cola decreased. Then an ad of polar bears of coco-cola became very popular and after this ad sales of Pepsi decreased. Then Pepsi came with a unique idea and started advertising Pepsi stuff which is if you redeem the code on bottle caps you will get few points and you can buy few things with that points. This ad gained a lot of popularity but, because of this ad Pepsi company faced a problem after few days. That is in an advertisement Pepsi company gave the caption as "Jetplane = 7 million Pepsi points". after seeing this ad a person askes Pepsi company to give jetplane by giving 7 Lakh dollar check and his Pepsi points. But Pepsi company not agreed to it. So, he kept a case on Pepsi company in court. Court gave judgement supporting him. After this Pepsi company added a caption below  "Jetplane = 7 million Pepsi points" as "just kidding". They have even come to a stage of mentioning competitors name directly in advertising. After seeing the completion between coco-cola and Pepsi people kept their competition name as "Cola-Wars". 3 times Pepsi company bankrupted. Then people thought coco-cola will buy Pepsi company but coco-cola rejected to buy Pepsi company.

Once Pepsi company ran a contest as whoever gets 349 number inside their bottle cap he/she will be given 30,00,000 rupees. But Pepsi company printed 8,00,000 bottle caps inside which had 349 number by mistake. So, many people claimed the gifts but Pepsi rejected to give all of the money. People became very angry at that time. Coco-Cola only makes soft drinks whereas Pepsi makes snacks with soft drinks. So if see the annual income of both companies, Pepsi will rank in number 1. But, in soft drinks, coco-cola is ranks number 1.

4) Netflix vs Blockbuster:

Blockbuster is a company that gives movie DVDs for rent. In 2001 this is the biggest company which sells movies on DVDs. There are a lot of retail stores of Blockbuster in the USA at that time. Then came Netflix, it came with new technology. That is selecting a movie online and we have to enter our address. So, it will deliver DVDs directly to our home. Then people started using the service Netflix. Then the sales of the blockbuster company decreased. So, Blockbuster company also started a service like Netflix. Then Netflix again introduced a new technology of viewing movies directly online in 2007. So, people completely started using Netflix. Finally because of the competition is given by Netflix, in 2010 blockbuster company completely closed.

A very interesting fact was in the year 2000 Blockbuster company rejected to buy Netflix for only $50 million but now the value of Netflix company was $100 billion.

So friends these are the few companies that destroyed by their competitors.

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