Artificial Intelligence Explained. What is AI. Full details about Artificial intelligence or AI. Future of AI. || Rapid Info ||

 What is Artificial Intelligence (or) AI?

Many inventions like the wheel, electricity, mobile, the computer, the internet have changed the world and made our lives so easy but the next invention is different from them and that is AI or ''Artificial Intelligence''. If you don't know anything about AI then read this post completely because our future entirely depends on Artificial Intelligence. AI is a type of computer program. AI is a computer algorithm that can also think and learn new things by itself like humans. What if AI develops completely? What works it can do? What if this AI will try to destruct the world? Now let's see complete details about this AI.

We all are using AI in our daily life without knowing. When we are typing a message on our mobile it automatically suggests the next words. This is also a type of AI. When you are searching for something in google it will show ads related to that for a few days when we are on other websites. This is Googles AI.

How AI Works?

AI works in the same way as to how our brain works. A single neuron in our brain is connected to crores of other neurons and this AI will also connect to the total network in the world with the technique called neural networks. It can learn new things like humans and it can even change its programming by itself without humans help and by learning continuously it has become equal in intelligence level with humans. For example, an AI called ''Alpha Go'' which was created by Google Deep Mind defeated the top grandmasters in the worlds toughest game called ''GO''. How does this happen?

They gave many online solved games of GO game to Alpha Go, it understands those 1000 of games clearly and found more than 3,00,00,000 tricks itself and it played with itself a lacks times and improved itself with that experience and defeated the top grandmaster in that game. Now no one can defeat Alpha Go in that game.

Development of AI:

AI also started writing poems and new articles and it also created its own music. No one took AI seriously in the beginning because it took a lot of time to develop. In the beginning, it took a lot of time for AI to improve its intelligence from ant to chimpanzees intelligence level but when we gave it a programme of self-learning within very little time it crossed the intelligence of Einstein.

If we plot a graph between intelligence levels from 1 to 1000 humans will be at level 10 and AI will be in level 1000. So it can even destruct our world.

Google company is trying to create its own AI and IBM company created its own AI called Watson

Facebook's AI:

In 2017 Facebook company created two robots with Artificial Intelligence. The two robots kept their names like Bob and Alice and created a new language which we can't understand and the conversation is like this:

Bob: i can i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to
Bob: you i everything else . . .
Alice: balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to me
Bob: i i can i i i everything else . . . . . . . . . 
Alice: balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to me
Bob:i . . . . .. .
Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to
Bob: youiii i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . ...
Alice: balls have O to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to
Bob: you i i i everything else . .
Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to

So, the Facebook company closed those two robots.

Recently Hanson Robotics company made a humanoid robot with artificial intelligence call ''Sophia''

Advantages of AI:

Anything can happen with AI and if it really helps us our lives will become far better for example 90% of road accidents are happening because of humans mistakes if vehicles with AI comes we can stop almost all accidents and they will follow as per the road and find if there is any defect in the road and follow according to that. Artificial intelligence also started predicting the future.


As crimes are increasing in California the police department the help of an AI called ''PredPol''.This PredPol collected all the information of past crimes and matched present situation and predicted in which areas today crime is going to happen and it will show the locations of them and from when police department started following PredPol more than 20% crimes decreased and till 2045 PredPol AI can predict who will do crime and at which time they will do also.

This AI can also find many medicines for many diseases and can make a revolution in the medical field and it can solve many unsolved problems and can do whether predictions and help us in many things.

Disadvantages of AI:

If AI comes in full-fledged until 2030 800 million jobs will be automated. So many people will lose their jobs and according to research by Oxford University, 700 types of jobs will be done automatically without humans.

This AI can change its code by itself and it has access to complete information in the world and it can process it within seconds. Basically, if a person has an IQ level of 85 he is below average and if he had an IQ level of 120 he is smart and einsteins IQ level is 160+ but the IQ level of AI in future is more than 12,952. If AI comes in full-fledged it will be the most powerful thing in the world and Sir Stefen Hawking said that we should be careful with AI because it can destruct humans. There are some limits for humans biologically but self-learning AI doesn't. A few experts are telling that f AI comes in full-fledged the final invention made by humans will be Artificial Intelligence. By improving its intelligence continuously once it will go to a state called singularity and then a human cant control AI. If this really happens the science fiction in movies like terminator and robot may become real. But now it helps us but we can't tell what will happen in future with AI. But one thing is sure a lot of changes will happen in future with Artificial Intelligence.

I think I gave complete details about Artificial Intelligence so please share it with your friends and family members and follow my website regularly for amazing topics like this.

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