Why Milk Overflows on Boiling but Water Doesn't?||Rapid Info||

In our daily life, we usually see that when we boil milk it overflows but water doesn't .now let's find the actual reason behind this 

When we boil water it converts into water vapour and gets mixed with air right, but when we boil milk the same thing doesn't happen because milk is not only made up of water it also contains some other substances like proteins fats and sugars.

The ingredients in the milk:

1.water - 83%                                                 

2.Proteins - 5%

3.Sugar - 5%

4.Fats - 7%

Fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals all together make up the nutritious white liquid which we all know as Milk.

The overflowing of milk:

When we boil the milk the fats and proteins will get separate and as they are lighter than the milk they gets to the top and form a thin creamy layer at the top and now the water in the milk heats up and converts into the water vapour and tries to go ou but the thin layer of fats and proteins doesn't allow water vapour to go out. As the temperature increases the pressure inside increases and pushes the top layer up. so this causes the milk to overflow but we can also prevent this.  


Place a wooden spoon or metallic spoon at the top of the bowl in which you are boiling milk this helps the water vapour to escape and you can also stop spillage by stirring the milk when it is boiling this makes a hole in the thin creamy layer and the vapours escape through that small hole.

Whereas water doesn't have any fats or sugar so it directly converts into vapour and gets mix with air

I hope this post helped you to find the answer to your question please share this with your friends and family members.

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